Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education
The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education was created in 1941 by a vote of the people that amended the state’s constitution to provide for such a system.
The state system is comprised of 25 colleges and universities – including two research universities, 10 regional universities, one public liberal arts university and 12 community colleges – and 10 constituent agencies and one university center. The State System is coordinated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and each institution is governed by a board of regents.
Council on Instruction
The Council on Instruction considers academic and related issues affecting Oklahoma higher education, proposes academic and related policy and procedures and serves as the principal statewide advisory council rendering advice and counsel to the chancellor, other advisory groups and the entire state system in the review of current and recommended academic and related policy and procedures. Membership consists of the chief academic officer of each of the 25 institutions in the state system, as designated by the president of the institution.