Want to attend the conference, but not sure about the distance? We’ve got you! OACADA has partnered with two local hotels for your convenience. Come early the night before to hang out with us, or stay afterward to enjoy all Tulsa has to offer!
Recommended Hotel
Holiday Inn & Suites Tulsa South $109.00 plus tax (includes breakfast)
$99.00 plus tax (without breakfast)
10020 E 81st St, Tulsa, OK 74133
Double and king rooms available.
The Holiday Inn & Suites is within walking distance of the TCC campus! It has an indoor pool, a spa bath and a 24-hour gym. Free parking is available. Just tell them you’re with OACADA when you book!

The Fairfield Inn & Suites is within about a five minute drive from the TCC campus. It is located 2 miles south of Woodland Hills Mall and “71st Restaurant Row” featuring over 70 restaurants within a 3-mile radius.